Christmas tree farms near you near Vancouver, WA. Filter by sub-region or select one of the tree types.

You can find blue spruce, douglas fir, fraser fir, grand fir, noble fir, nordmann fir Christmas tree types near Vancouver, WA.

Use our clickable map of Christmas tree farms for better overview and navigation.


There are 70 christmas tree farms near Vancouver, WA area!

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* We have no liability for the accuracy of the information provided. We strongly recommend that you to contact farm owners before taking a trip to the farm.

** If you have found an error or would like to recommend the Christmas tree farm, please contact us.

  La Center Farms 98629 La Center, WA

Choose your own tree among hundreds of quality Douglas, Grand & Noble Fir. Friendly help will shake & bale your tree. Relax with free refreshments as you shop at the gift shop and watch cartoons in the theater. We accept cash, credit cards and checks with proper ID.

Christmas tree types at La Center Farms:

Douglas Fir

Grand Fir

Noble Fir

Winter activities and services at La Center Farms:

Cut your own

Gift Shop


Tree Baler

Tree Shaker